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Fred Gumminger Armando Scerrato Mike Fagan Joe DeLaurentis Cramer Hill buds

Wellnitz visit

birthday boys

Mary Lou's 80th!

Kennedy Friends

Salem Hospital friends

Panama Canal cruise

NOLA visit

Nursing 50th Anniversity

Ithaca pre-eclipse

Oswega NY

Very special moment

Rutgers Camden Students striving for medical school

Happy 40th BD Teresa!

Phillies game with Becky & the Girls

Fathers Day

Orioles beat Phillies but what fun!

Nicholas visit (2 wks postop!)

They requested it.


Cunard cruise




Winged Victory (Brescia)

Mark, Chris Andreacola & Joe

Dave Morales, Joe, Fred & Armand

New Years Eve walk


Joe can still sled

Valentines Day thank you

Nicholas drives his BMW

The Eclipse

Teresa's 40th BD

Julia has a catch with Uncle Steve

Nick really gets excited watching the Orioles beat the Phillies on Fathers Day

Making pasta with Annabel & Julia

Annabel's 10th BD!