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After we sold the Longport condo we were looking for something to do. That winter I had pulled out slides I had taken when Claudette & I went out west in 1978. Steve in particular become very interested in going to those same places. 

 Joe's Journal


Lisa’s Journal for Out West


Day#1 August 18 We landed in Great Falls, Montana.      

Great Falls Movie   Great Falls Commentary Regina


Day#2   August 19  Entering Yellow Stone & Mammoth Springs   

Yellowstone Entrance      Mammoth Springs      Mammoth Springs Commentary Steve            


Day#3   August 20  Mount Washburn    

Elk Visit Mammoth Springs  Mt. Washburn movie    Where's Teresa's Eraser?   Mt. Washburn Commentary Teresa

Teresa got those nasty blisters and had a terrible cold, but she kept on going in her flip-flops with lots of tissues.

Day#4  August 21   Canyon Lands  

Yellowstone Falls & Clear Lake   

Day# 5   August 22  Bison in Hayden Valley, Sulphur Caldron & Yellowstone Lake  

Yellowstone falls Commentary Lisa  Bison in Hayden Valley    Sulphur Caldron   Noontime Commentary at Yellowstone Lake    Animals of Yellowstone Lake         Day#5 Commentary Dad

Day#6  Geyers   August 23     

Lone Star Geyser        Geyser Commentary Regina   

Day# 7& 8    The Grand Tetons   August 24 & 25 

Jenny Lake & Inspiration Point    Teton Day 1 Commentary Steve    Snake River    Moose Family Dinner    Teton Day 2 Commentary Teresa

Day # 9  August 26 Tower Falls, Roosevelt Yellowstone Park  

Falls & Dinner Outing     Roosevelt Commentary Lisa       


Day 10 August 27  Horse Back Ride Roosevelt & Drive to Glacier

Drive to Glacier NP    Yellowstone to Glacier Commentary Mom


Day# 11 August 28 Glacier NP Trail to Rockwell Falls   

Glacier Rockwell Falls Trail    Glacier Day 1 Commentary Dad

Rockwell Falls

Swift Current Lake


Day# 12 Going to the Sun Road  August 29 


view fom Glacier Lodge

Glacier Lodge

St. Mary Lake

St. Mary Lake

Lake McDonald

Lake McDonald

Lake McDonald

Logan Pass

Logan Pass

Logan Pass

St. Mary Lake

 Many Glacier  August 30   Day 13 

Commentary Going to the Sun Rd Steve         To Red Rock Falls       Commentary Regina    

Claudette's early morning pictures

Claudette sees bears here

Teresa to Red Rock falls

trail to Red Rock falls

trail to Red Rock falls

Winter comes to Glacier NP

Winter comes to Glacier NP

Winter comes to Glacier NP

Last Day at Glacier & Back at Great Falls  August 31 

 Last Day at Glacier

Return to Great Falls    Final Commentary Teresa