1990's Movies
June 2 1990 to September 16, 1990 Back yard pool Piano Recital 1:50 Back yard pool Uncle Mark & Family 10:08 Longport with the Johnson's 16:20 Regina's Birth 22:30 Longport 30:25 Regina in hospital visit with and filmed by GP Paul 32:16 Longport sunrise 38:35 Aunt Jamie visits @ home 40:38 Longport Johnson's GM Rose & aunt Joyce 42:00 Home 52:00 1st Day of school & home 54:20
September 16, 1990 to December 14, 1990 Regina's Baptism Home 39:00 Claudette's BD @ home with kids 43:00 Outside play with Jonathan & Christopher Baldwin 49:00 David's BD @ Johnson's 50:30 Halloween 51:00 @ home with kids 54:00
December 14 1990 to February 3, 1991 St. Margaret's Christmas Play LoPresto's 14:00 Home Regina rolls on floor 12/23 15:43 Grand-pop Paul's 12/23 17:30 St. Margaret's Christmas concert starring us 12/23 21:41 Grand-mom Steph's 12/24 27:45 Home 12/25 30:45 DeLaurentis's 12/25 37:15 Steve makes Regina laugh hugging her on the floor 1/3/91 41:15 Steve shovels snow 42:15 Regina sits 1/13/91 44:24 Steve's private BD 1/22/91 45:35 Joe's private BD 1/23/91 46:21 Family BD party Johnson's, Haney's, Paul, Grand mom Steph, Helen 49:00 Steve and Regina play on floor 53:00 Regina's 1st time in High Chair 58:00
Regina's 1st food Play at home 2:30 Snowmass and Aspen with GM Steph 4/2 (stayed at Buttermilk) 8:00 soccer game 20:00 Play back yard 42:00 Slip & slid 4/7 43:20 Lisa's extended family BD 4/13 46:17 Lisa's nuclear family BD 47:41 Regina stands in crib 4/28 48:18 skating BD party GP Paul flies with Paul & Claire 5/4 49:24 Disney World with the Johnson's & GM Steph 56:00
Disney World Longport 5/26/91 8:37 Dance recital 14:38 Basement Play 6/1/91 22:14 Dance Recital 23:26 Pool play 31:14 Piano Rectal 32:58 Longport 6/18-6/28 42:32 Back yard 7/1 59:10
July 1,1991 to December 10,1991 Back yard 7/1/91 reading and play in Longport 7/12 1:17 Regina's 1st steps in basement 7/19 6:12 Longport Regina & Lisa sing 7/23 6:41 Storm in Longport 7/25 9:40 *Regina's BD in LP Johnsons GP Paul Uncle Paul Aunt Joyce Both GMs Christian 7/27 10:00 Back at Tarlton Ct 8/12 16:47 Longport 8/28 19:00 Longport @ GM Steph's with Johnson's 8/29 28:30 Regina & new born Brett & Helen in Longport then Paul, Claire, GM Steph 9/130:24 Tarlton Ct 41:45 Backyard 10/24 43:37 Halloween parade 47:32 train ride 10/26 48:00 Ocean Springs MS with Mark & Jamie 11/1 52:30 Basement play 12/5 59:00 Steve on training wheels 12/10 60:00
December 10,1991 to April 17,1992 Steve Southwood Baptist Christmas St. Margaret's Christmas show 5:50 Christmas at GP Paul's 11:20 GM Steph's 12/24 13:13 Home 12/25 23:10 Home 12/28 33:14 Steve's BD home 1/22 36:00 Joe & Steve BD with Haneys, Johnsons, GM Steph 1/25 39:44 Snow play 1/26 42:15 Back yard 3/8 45:10 Riding around the court 4/10 46:10 Lisa BD party classmates 47:50 Easter egg hunt 4/11 50:50 Lisa BD Family & Haneys 4/12 53:40 Lisa & Steve Frisbee 58:45
Snow Mass ski 4/17 Home 4/23 6:16 Teresa's BD 5/6 9:29 Tyler's Baptism 5/10 13:17 Backyard with DeLaurentis cousins 5/13 18:31 GM Steph's BD Joe Mullin 20:00 Longport 5/23 21:00 South Wood Baptist Preschool 22:00 Piano Recital Teresa, Lauren, Lisa 25:19 Rainbow gymnastics Steve & Regina 32:20 Amanda's BD 35:00 Gymnastic Lisa & Teresa 35.15 St. Margaret's Children's Choir Lisa & Teresa June 7 (Amie) 42:00 Dance Recital Lisa & Teresa 48:17
GM Rose's BD Longport June 27 Longport 7/1 with Johnsons 04:14 Dancing in Longport 17:24 Swimming in back yard 18:10 Regina's BD Longport with extended family 23:00 Beach & ocean Longport 7/30/92 30:00 Regina & Steve play doctor Longport 8/30 34:00 Tarlton Ct with Lauren & Tim Haney 9/11/92 37:00 Duffield's hayride with Haney's 10/3/92 40:14 Easton with aunt Joyce & GM Rose 43:00 Claudette BD at Home Oct 19 1992 44:00 Regina, Steve, Chris Baldwin, Teresa in yard 10/20&22/92 45:25 Steam engine Train ride 55:14 Home BD party with Johnsons & Helen 57:50 10/25/92 St. Margaret's Christmas show 12/11/92 Dancing & Making Christmas cookies 12/12/92 7:38 Little peoples Christmas show Steve 11:40 Trimming Tree 12/17/92 22:25 Christmas @ GM Steph's 23:30 12/24/92 Christmas @ home 12/25/92 26:00 Christmas @ GP Paul's (Amanda does Regina's hair)33:20 Gymboree Steve & Regina 34:50 Regina & Steve bath 38:20 1/20/93 Steve & Joe BD @ home with Morris's DeLaurentis & Haney's 41:00 Outside play 45:00 3/6/93 play in deep snow 46:45 3/13/93 Steve rides bike around melting snow 48:30 3/20/93 Dance show basement (Lisa films Teresa & Steve) 53:20 Steve & Regina Amelia Island Lisa's BD @ home 2:00 4/18/93 Steve on "big bike 4:20 Slip & Slide 5:10 5/1/93 Teresa's BD home with friends 6:20 5/6/93 Mickey Mouse sprinkler 9:26 5/9/93 Tyler in playhouse 10:09 biking & play with bubbles on Tarlton Ct 10:39 5/20/93 St Margaret Dare program13:39 5/25/93 Steve Little peoples 18:00 Dance recital 30:00 6/11/93 Gymnastics 42:24 Pool Play St Marg kids 45:50 Longport Pool with GM Steph & Johnsons 47:17 6/26/93 Longport fun with Sally & Johnsons 51:00 6/29/93 to 7/4 House basement dig 58:44 Wenonah house excavation Play with Christian @ home filmed by Lisa(funny) 01:51 7/8/93 Longport with Gaddis's 6:27 7/18/93 Lisa & Regina Swimming @ Tarlton Ct 8:45 Regina BD party Longport with Johnsons & GM Steph & GP Paul 9:28 7/25/98 Longport(LP) with GM Rose Chris & Aunt Joyce 14.17 LP uncle Mark & family(kid show) 15:07 Teresa gymnastics 22:30 LP pool & beach with LoPrestos 25:14 8/30/93 1st day school 28:39 9/8/93 uncle Mark does crabs & boating Easton 31:32 9/18/93 wenonah house 35:15 10/9/93 outside play @ home 35:50 10/10/93 Cluadette's BD 36:50 10/19/93 outdoor play37:55 10/25/93 St. Margaret Halloween parade 40:11 10/29/93 indoor play Regina dances42:36 11/7/93 &11/21 Thanksgiving with Delaurentis's basement play 45:10 11/26/93 trimming tree 12/12/03 St. Margaret's Christmas show 01:13 Regina Little Peoples Christmas show 04:52 Christmas day Home then Aunt Joyce Christmas GP Paul's 04:35 12/26/93 Ice storm Tarlton Ct 07:36 1/8/94 Sledding after 2nd ice storm Tarlton Ct 10:10 1/18/94 Steve's friends BD party home10:41 1/22/94 Family BD for Steve & Dad (GP Paul tells Joe "now you're a man) 19:11 Easter egg hunt Regina Little Peoples 25:10 3/24/94 Play Tarlton Ct Teresa pogo stick 27:30 4/9/94 Amelia Island vacation 28:27 4/9/94 Lisa Friend party home 34:10 4/16/94 Lisa BD family party 36:20 4/17/94 Sand box play home 38:50 4/19/94 T-Ball Steve 40:18 Steve St Margaret's Sunday school 45:25 swings 46:11 4/28/94 Teresa friend party home 46:53 Teresa home party 47:30 5/5\6/94 back yard swim 48:49 6/7/94 Steve St Margaret Kindergarten Grad 51:00 Steve St Margaret Kindergarten Grad cont. Lisa & Teresa dance recital 01:19 Regina swings by herself 07:48 6/25/94 Water skiing and Rose's BD @ uncle Mark's 08:30 6/26/94 Lewes ferry to get to Longport 16:48 6/26/94 Longport Regina's BD party 7/27/94 Fiends on Beach LP (Sally) 05:45 8/28/94 move in days Wenonah 06:27 8/31/94 Happy BD to Claudette 10:19 10/18/94 getting ready for Christmas Wenonah 12:00 Regina school Christmas show 17:25 Steve friends BD party home 21:30 1/20/95 Family BD party Steve & Joe 24:16 Brio play basement 26:11 2/2/95 Snowfall & play 28.51 2/3 &2/4/95 GP Paul BD Wenonah 33:25 2/19/95 Sport court play 35:30 4/15/95 Easter egg hunt & Lisa family BD 38:10 4/16/95 Lisa's friends home BD party 40:34 4/28/95 1st swim & Teresa & friends on spot court BD party 41:00 5/13/95 Teresa BD with family 5/14/95 43:25 Regina St. Margaret's preschool graduation 44:20 St. Margaret's sports awards 45:00 Regina Gymboree 49:50 Steve base Ball 6/19/95 54:47 Regina pool BD party 58:12 7/22/95 July 22, 1995 to January 22 1996 Regina pool BD party 7/22/95 swim with Johnson's 1:00 7/22/95 Longport with Helen & boys 7/23/95 4:42 Regina's BD LP & beach 6:08 7/27/95 7/30 Wenonah Regina on Bike 10:18 8/8/95 Wenonah swim with LoPrestos 11:05 8/13/95 play with Gaddis's Wenonah 11:40 8/20/95 Bogie boarding with Christian 12:25 8/26/95 Water spout LP 15:36 9/3/95 Regina & 1st day school 16:25 9/6/95 Back yard play with Morgan 20:00 10/28/95 Regina on rings backyard 22.49 11/10/95 trimming tree 23:30 12/6/95 Regina dance Kathy Henkelm27:35 12/11/95 Christmas @ home with DeLaurentis 30:35 12/23/95 Christmas @ home with Morris 34:35 12/24/95 Our Family Christmas 42:30 Snow that closed school for 3 days 49:40 1/8/96 Steve's Balloon man BD 54:43 1/31/96 January 31 1996 to December 25 1996 Steve's Balloon man BD Caribbean Cruise out of Puerto Rico 4:17 4/7/96 Lisa BD @ home 12:17 4/18/96 Teresa BD @ home 13.46 5/6/96 Teresa Friends BD @ home 15:06 5/10/96 Regina kindergarten graduation 16:20 6/10/96 Regina Baseball with the boys 31:13 6/15/96 Night teenager pool party 33:40 6/21/96 Day time kid's pool party 34:26 6/26/96 Steve's movie of Regina blowing bubble gum 36:23 Regina friend BD party home 37:22 7/20/96 Regina BD at LP with Johnsons 39:28 7/27/96 Regina Making jackal lanterns @ home 40:52 10/12/96 Regina & Jordan on swings 43:09 10/17/96 Trimming the tree 45:25 12/11/96 Christmas with Morris 51:50 12/24/96 Christmas with DeLaurentis @ home 56:55 12/25/96 December 25 1996 to April 1997 Christmas with DeLaurentis @ home Steve & Joe with Morris's BD 2:24 Steve's friends party 6:15 1/25/97 Building snowman @ home 7:00 2/8/97 St. Margaret's Christmas show 10:24 another snowman! 16:14 2/9/97 San Diego Cliffs Zoo17:39 4/1/97 Regina back yard play 34:15 4/13/97 Regina tap dance class 35:20 With GM Steph 5/7/97 Regina on dad's shoulders 44:55 Uncle Paul & aunt Claire 52:22 Bedroom play 53:20 swim with uncle Paul 58:44 Disney Continued Regina back yard 9:47 5/15/97 Regina's dance recital 12:56 5/16/97 swim 21:44 5/19/97 Lisa gymnastic flips on lawn 24:00 Regina soft ball 27:40 monopoly with John & Jeremy & swim with Jen 28:23 5/24/97 St. Margaret's track in OC 32:46 6/1/97 Teresa swim party 38:29 6/14/97 Beach LP 42:55 6/23/97 Steve's giant beach hole 46:00 Fun in LP condo 50:53 6/25/97 Stephanie's surprise BD party 51:00 6/27/97 LP swim with Amanda & Matt 56:00 6/29/97 July 27 1997 to December 13 1997 Regina's BD in LP with Gombergs & Johnsons 7/27/97 LP beach fun with above 4:57 Regina's friends pool BD party 10:51 7/30/97 OC with uncle Paul & aunt Clare 16:17 8/16/97 Paul's BD at GM Steph aunt Ann, Pud & Morris's 18:02 Clare's baby shower same day LP 22:00 Extended Morris family LP 8/17/97 23:44 1st day of school 9/4/97 38:30 Wenonah family swim 9/20/97 40:25 Happy Birthday Claudette 10/19/97 44:30 Thanksgiving with Johnsons 11/2797 46:20 decorating for outside for Christmas 12/8/97 47:15 Making cookies & decorating tree 12/12/97 50:40 December 12, 1997 to January 5, 1998 decorating tree 12/13/97 00:00 Teresa basketball 12/14/97 8:00 making cookies 12/21/97 9:40 Steve working in basement 12/21/97 12:09 making cookies 12/21/97 13:19 Christmas @ the Johnson's 12/24/97 14:30 Christmas 12/25/97 16:00 Christmas @ Uncle Mark's in Easton with baby James 12/25/97 24:45 Jen plays ice hockey 12/16/97 29:05 Jen's BD Wenonah 12/27/97 30:52 Steamboat Spings12/30/97 to 1/5/98 35:27 Leaving Steamboat 1/5/98 Wenonah Egg hunt with Morris's 4/12/98 3:00 Lisa's 16th BD 4/12/98 4:00 Water Skiing with uncle Mark in Easton MD June Grand mom Rose's 74th BD Easton 13:17 Longport mile Run 7/4/98 14:40 Longport beach with Johnsons July 17:00 Regina's 8th BD Longport with Morris families 19:00 Regina's swim party Wenonah 21:31 Steve's Mar's project 26:53 Steve presents MARS-1 31:46 OC rides with Paul Clare & Paulie 36:11 Longport beach with Morris Families 38:29 Longport with Uncle Mark's family 43:13 Air show 48:24 New York City visit 51:17 Duffield's Halloween visit Pumpkin picking 10/27/98 53:10 St. Margret's Halloween parade57:30 December 6, 1998 to December 25, 1998 December 25 1998 to March 25, 1999 March 28, 1999 to October 28, 1999 October 28, 1999 to December 25, 1999